Pick Your Battles

Pick your battles for tranquility, happiness, peace, & prosperity. Assume the best in others, and work toward goal accomplishment.

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Pick Your Battles: Cool, Calm, Collected

Someone in the All In conference Matt, Niki, Andrew, & Josh recently attended said “that’s below my line.”

What does this mean? It means certain things should be below “your line” that stirs up your anger.

Of course, anger is an emotion, and emotions arise sometimes whether you want them to or not. That being said, you should avoid outrage culture, and if you find yourself dominated by your passions, you should step back and deal with it.

Matt has identified that addressing a situation in anger almost never works out well. This does not just mean yelling or punishment, but even talking in anger – it usually does not come off well.

If accomplishing the goal is the goal, and anger does not help, then don’t lean into the anger. Acknowledge, overcome, and try to make peace.

Pick Your Battles: Assume the Best

One component of picking your battles is assuming the best in others, especially others who have built up a level of trust with you.

You cannot be in a healthy relationship with your spouse or really any other important person in your life if you assume the worst possible motives for their actions.

Reach out to the other person and listen. Winning an argument or seeking to dominate conversation is not a good way to reach understanding or peace.

Pick your battles, seek peace, and overcome anger and other passions.




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