Moving Your Personal Training Clients Online: Online Coaching Business Model

Learn about moving your personal training clients online – how to do it and how it improves your online coaching business model & life.

Matt Reynolds interviews Matt Fever, a coach at Barbell Logic, who discusses how we transitioned from personal trainer to professional coach to professional online coach, and how he have moved his in-person clients from in-person to online.

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Moving Your Personal Training Clients Online: Online Coaching Business Model

Successfully transitioning your clients from in-person to online makes a ton of sense for your quality of life and business model as a strength coach.

The biggest value of in-person training comes primarily during those initial sessions, when often drastic technique changes need to be made and you develop a relationship grounded in trust, expertise, and benevolence.

As the relationship progresses, however, the value of in-person coaching decreases. Form correction becomes less frequent and less drastic, whereas programming changes become more complicated and necessary.

Asynchronous online coaching allows the client to lift wherever and whenever is convenient, and then the coach to respond within 24-48 hours wherever or whenever works for the coach.

It increases the dollar-per-hour pay to the coach while decreasing the cost to the client.

How to Move Your Personal Training Clients Online: Make More Money & Improve Your Quality of Life

Matt Fever has made the transition from personal trainer and leader of group classes to professional coach. Attending an in-person lifting seminar with Barbell Logic was a turning point, as Matt Fever signed up for the Academy, started receiving online coaching from Matt Reynolds, and really honed his knowledge and expertise and learned about the online coaching business model.

He has been transitioning his clients from in-person to online. This has allowed him to spend more time with his family. It has also led to his clients having higher compliance, as he can coach when he is on vacation (whereas previously he could not coach and did not get paid). His clients can also lift and receiving coaching if they travel.

Moving your personal training clients online dramatically improves your quality of life and helps you develop a successful online coaching business model.




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