Gym Shorts: The Trap Bar Deadlift (How To)

New to the trap bar deadlift or hex bar deadlift or looking for a quick technique tutorial? Learn how to trap bar deadlift in one short video.

How To Trap Bar Deadlift

Gym Shorts videos provide short video demonstrations of correct form for various exercises.

Seated Press Correct Form: Follow These Steps

  • Stance
    • Align midfoot with center of plates
    • Feet hip width apart
    • Toes angled out slightly
  • Grip
    • Securely grip the handles – do not move the bar
  • Knees to elbows
    • Bend knees to elbows
  • Extend back
    • Chest up – squeeze back flat
    • Eyes on the floor
    • Big breath and hold
    • Head and neck neutral
  • Pull
    • Push floor away
  • Bar moves straight up and down
  • Stand tall at the top
  • Realign midfoot to plates if needed

What is the Trap Bar Deadlift

The hex bar deadlift is a deadlift supplemental lift that requires a trap bar or hex bar. It is performed similar to the conventional straight bar deadlift (i.e. the deadlift) with slight modifications to the set up.

The lifter will have to position his midfoot in line with the barbell as the first step – no 1″ rule of thumb helps here. Grip the middle of each handle. Shins go out to elbows. You set your back similarly to the conventional deadlift.

Because of the shape of the bar, the bar will not maintain contact with the lifter’s legs – it will not be dragged up their shins. Additionally, the lifter’s back will be slightly more vertical than in a normal deadlift moving some of the stress off the low back.

Programming the Trap Bar Deadlift

This deadlift variation is not one we tend to program too often, as it requires an additional barbell that does not have the versatility of most other barbells. Other exercises that may be performed with the trap bar include shrugs and farmer’s carries.

The Army and other military services have incorporated the trap bar deadlift as part of their fitness tests, so this lift is becoming more common with military service members.

The other typical scenario would be an intermediate or advanced lifter who has access to a trap bar deadlift and would like to add it to his program for variety’s sake.

This can be performed as the main deadlift in a lifter’s program, or simply replace the conventional deadlift to increase the specificity as a physical fitness test draws near.

There are programmed similar to the deadlift, performed typically for 1-4 sets of 1-8 reps.

Consider the hex bar deadlift if you have to train this for military or similar reasons or have access to a trap bar deadlift and would like to add it to your program.

Click HERE for our in-depth video on the deadlift (conventional, straight barbell) and HERE to learn more about chalk.




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