Rack pulls increase training stress by allowing more weight to be lifted. This is a very useful deadlift variation...
Tag Archive for: Coaches’ Corner
Compassionate Coaching for Client Breakthroughs
nick, , Articles, Coaches' Corner, DShell, professional barbell coach, Professional Coach, 0Clients may lack knowledge and grit or value other physical attributes over strength. For those with different goals,...
Balance and smooth human movement involve subtle and subconscious micro-adjustments. We are a mechanical system, guided by intent, controlled...
Excellent coaches are self-educators, even those going through an intensive training program or a formal education. There are so...
Wrist wraps, which are different from lifting straps, can help prevent wrist extension (bent wrists) on heavy pressing movements...
"The coach can articulate the importance of empathy, trust, and safety (both physical and mental) in the coach-client relationship....
Being a Strength & Conditioning or Professional Barbell Coach is similar to coaching any sport. It’s not knowing everything,...
How to Use Lifting Straps
nick, , Videos, Coaches' Corner, lifting straps, Self-Coach, wrist straps, 0How to Use Lifting Straps Wrist straps or lifting straps are often used during deadlifts or other heavy pulling...
The Coach’s Path to Mastery
nick, , Articles, Coaches' Corner, coaching academy, coaching development, Novice Coach, strength coach, strength coach development, 0Unlike doctors, lawyers, Marine Corps officers, and London cab drivers, coaches have no clear and complete path to get...
How To Warm Up Properly
nick, , Videos, Coaches' Corner, getting started, how to warm up, Self-Coach, 0How To Warm Up Are your workouts taking forever? Have you evaluated your warmup routine? Your warmup before lifting...