Coach Spotlight: Jordan Stanton

Jordan Stanton RN, SSC, is the head strength coach of Next Level Barbell and President of the United States Strengthlifting Federation. He has been a competitive athlete in basketball, football, bowling, triathlon, strongman, and powerlifting.

Coach Jordan Stanton

What do your parents or spouse call you when you are in trouble?


Do you have any embarrassing nicknames? What are they?


What actor or actress would you like to play you in a movie?

Hugh Jackman

How long have you been coaching?

6 Years

Have you had other careers, or currently work in another field? What are they?

Critical Care Nurse

Who’s your favorite BLOC client? (JK, don’t answer that.)

The client that does all their work

Who’s your least favorite BLOC client? (JK, again.)

The client that then doesn’t post any videos. 😉

If you could time travel back to when you first started coaching, what advice would you give yourself?

Get started on your own right away. Open the Garage Gym.

What are some of your favorite things to do when you’re not working or training?

Jiu Jitsu, Backpacking, Sleeping

What is your favorite lift?


Where do you live?

Portland OR

What is your favorite animal print?


Gym cat, dog or something else?


How long have you been training?

7 years seriously

What is the most embarrassing moment from any dark days of “lifting” that you may have had?

Definitely lost my bowels on rep 1 of 5. Still completed the other 4.  

What do you love about training? 

The trance state of a really heavy lift. The crushing pressure and pain that requires you to think about nothing else. 

What do you love about coaching? 

When people realize their results are applicable to their day to day life. 

What lifting achievement are you most proud of?

700 Squat, Elite Powerlifting Total, 405 Clean

Would you rather magically increase each of your PRs by 20%, or magically increase one of your lifts by 100%?

Magically increase one of my lifts by 100% 

Would you rather not have to eat food and have your ideal body composition, or get to eat 6,000 calories per day and have your ideal body composition?

Not have to eat food and have my ideal body composition.

How many lifting-related shirts do you own? 


What or who gets you to train when your motivation is really low?

I’m always motivated but Whiskey and Heavy Metal.

Pre-workout of choice

Whiskey and Caffeine

What are some of your go-to lifting songs?

Writing on the Wall (Parkway Drive) 

Indictment (All that Remains) 

Gun Show (In this Moment) 

What is the most embarrassing song you like?

Chandelier (Sia)

What are some of your lifting-related goals for this year? 

700 Deadlift has to happen, 495 Bench Press

Do you plan on competing in a meet this year? If so, what are your goals?

I have three more meets this year. No particular goals for the meet. Next Year 2000lb total. 

What have you learned about yourself from barbell training?

I guess I’m pretty strong. 

Do you have a role model? Who is it and why?

Currently inspired by Ray Williams as a lifter. 

Dead or alive, who would you love to lift with?

Ed Coan

If BLOC made a yearbook, which do you think you’d most likely win?

Most veiny

How much do you love to eat? 1 – It’s a chore … 5 – What are we eating next???


What’s your favorite meal? Please use as much detail as possible.

Spicy Poke Salad

What was your favorite childhood TV show?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

What is a movie that you have watched over and over and over again?


Tell us your best dad joke. 

How do you know a joke is a dad joke… its apparent. 

What advice do you have for a new lifter? Or a lifter who’s been doing this a while? 

Be consistent, work hard. 

Anything else you would like to share with your BLOC brethren and sistren? 

You guys are awesome and I feel lucky to be part of such an awesome community. 



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