Struggling to stay motivated with New Year’s resolutions? Learn how self-reflection, accountability, and flexibility can help you—and your clients—stay...
Tag Archive for: coaching academy
How to Get Your First Client as a Coach, , Articles, CGotcher, coaching academy, Novice Coach, the barbell academy, 0Learn simple, effective strategies to land your first coaching client and kickstart your career in fitness. Join CJ on...
Should Coaches “Look the Part”?, , Articles, CGotcher, coaching academy, coaching development, Novice Coach, the barbell academy, 0Coaches don’t need a perfect physique to succeed; living authentically, aligning with their practices, and fostering trust through integrity...
Niki & Gillian discuss the concept of small wins and their value in nutrition (and training). Email to...
Matt & CJ answer your coaching questions, including ACL tears, improving vertical jump, coaching blind lifters, and coaching obese...
Matt & CJ Gotcher answer your questions about the Academy and coaching, including when you should fire a client,...
#361 – The Barbell Academy & PBC Certification Vision
dshell, , Podcasts, become a coach, coaching academy, 0Matt, Andrew, & CJ discuss the state of the Barbell Academy and the PBC Certification and exciting developments to...
The Coach’s Path to Mastery
nick, , Articles, Coaches' Corner, coaching academy, coaching development, Novice Coach, strength coach, strength coach development, 0Unlike doctors, lawyers, Marine Corps officers, and London cab drivers, coaches have no clear and complete path to get...