Stronger Means Harder to Kill

Stronger means harder to kill, more able to fulfill your work and domestic obligations, and more useful overall.

Listen to Matt’s talk to the Tactical Response alumni. This group of people cares about being prepared, protecting themselves and their loved ones, and more capable overall. If they are weak, however, they have a gap, and they need to be stronger. This applies to you too.

Check out the Barbell Logic podcast landing page.


Stronger Means Harder to Kill

Would you like to be harder to kill, more resilient, healthier, and more useful overall or softer, easier to kill, more susceptible to death and sickness, and a burden on others?

If you’re weak, you have a gap that needs to be addressed. You need to get stronger.

Getting stronger is brutally simple. Eschew complication, follow the simple, hard, effective way. Receive the greatest return investment for your time and effort by following basic barbell movements such as the squat, bench press, deadlift, and press.

Strength is about overcoming cancer, staying out of a nursing home, becoming a better father or mother. It is about building the confidence to regularly do hard things, and to be more prepared when involuntary hardship comes.

Act now! Exercise today and work toward training to get stronger and harder to kill.




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