Online Strength Coaching: More Convenient & Effective

Online strength coaching provides the most value, flexibility, effectiveness, and personalization of any coaching method. It enhances the quality of life of coaches and clients.

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Online Strength Coaching Provides More Flexibility

Online coaching allows someone seeking high-quality coaching to find the coach that’s right for them – not the coach or personal trainer that’s simply close.

It allows clients to continue when they vacation or travel, and it allows coaches to continue to coach their clients when they vacation or travel.

Online coaching allows lifters to still receive coaching if they’re unable to train during the scheduled time block. With in-person coaching, if something arises that prevents the lifter from coming to the gym at the normal time, that lifter typically still has to pay, doesn’t get the coaching, and might not be able to lift.

Modern life comes with moving for many people. You can keep the same coach if you move or your coach moves. This enables coaches and clients to have 5+ year coach-client relationships, which is extremely rare and challenging with in-person coaching.

Are you sick and can’t come to the gym but still want to get something done, albeit at a reduced difficultly? No problem – your online strength coach can modify your program, and you’re not at risk for getting anyone else sick.

Online Strength Coaching is More Effective

The primary value of in-person strength coaching that we and others have stressed is how fast the coach can get the client lifting with correct technique.

We get lifters moving correctly under the barbell quickly and in less time investment by the coach than in-person coaching.

The typical initial session is 90 minutes and requires the travel time and other inconveniences of meeting someone at a certain time and place.

Through a series of roughly 5-minute videos the professional barbell coach can get you moving correctly, and almost certainly in fewer than 18 videos. This amounts to less time than initial 90-minute session.

Also, this assumes the client leaves the 90-minute session with perfect form and does not return with the almost inevitable form creep.

It simply is not that critical that the client’s technique is perfect within the first couple sessions. Furthermore, changes made through online strength coaching seem to stick and last longer.

Online Strength Coaching Provides More Value

A professional barbell coach can deliver high-quality coaching with multiple touchpoints each weeks at a much lower cost to the client than in-person coaching. Likely, it will be 25% or less of the cost of in-person coaching.

Even though the coach charges less, the coach makes more money more minute or per hour. This enables the strength coach to have more clients and coach more people – ultimately providing more value to more people.

This can be done from where the coach wants to live, whether that be sunny southern California or in a small town in the midwestern United States.

Online Strength Coaching Improves Quality of Life

Online coaching increases compliance because of its flexibility, reduced cost, and convenience. This ultimately mean it produces more lasting changes. These changes improve clients’ quality of life.

For the coach, the convenience and flexibility of coaching from home improves their quality of life, allows them to deliver more value to more clients, and is a win-win.




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