How To Pin Squat

You Get the Best of Both Worlds

In today’s video, we’re going to combine the best of both worlds between a box squat and a tempo squat. What do we get? The pin squat.

The tempo squat, which is basically just a slow squat, helps you to better control your squat and stay balanced on the middle of your foot. The box squat breaks up the stretch reflex when you pause on the box.

A pin squat does both! It slows down the squat and breaks up the eccentric/concentric portions of the movement using the pins. It also helps with control of the barbell itself. If a lifter experiences asymmetry during while squatting (the barbell tilts or twists), the pin squat gives the lifter instant feedback on how to correct and descend more symmetrically.

How To Pin Squat

Set the safety pins inside the squat rack so that when you reach parallel in your squat, you can touch the pins.

Unrack just like you would your normal squat, descend slowly until you touch the pins, pause briefly, then fire back up to the lockout.

It’s important to touch the pins very lightly – like a ninja! Don’t let the weight of the bar settle onto the pins.

Knee and Groin Tendinopathy

The pin squat is one exercise that can be used when a lifter has knee or groin tendinopathy (tendinitis). This is assuming your squat form is already correct, of course.

Set the pins at a height where you can squat down with pain at a rating of 3 or below. If you’re experiencing less pain from workout to workout, you can slowly drop the pins down one hole at a time until you are back to a full range of motion squat.



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