#232 – MED Toolbox #5: Volume Games & The Value of Small PR’s


Matt and Scott discuss a recent programming revelation from one of Scott’s clients, a 40 year old lifter he has been working with for about a year.


Scott has his lifter working on a 3-week mesocycle with typical 5×5 volume days for squats and presses. After observing that the lifter’s barspeed was quite fast during multiple consecutive intensity day lifts, Scott took it as a sign that the volume day work was sufficiently driving progress and decided to hold the weight on the bar steady for future volume day workouts. Interestingly, the lifter has continued to hit intensity day PR’s for several weeks without increasing the weight of the volume work.


RIP Glenn Pendlay, who passed away on September 5, 2019. Glenn left behind many contributions to the strength world — he introduced a style of barbell row now known as the Pendlay Row, had a hand in the creation of the Texas Method, and coached many Olympic weightlifters.


Have a question about training? Send a question to Matt and Scott! Email us at questions@barbell-logic.com and we’ll answer your question on an upcoming Saturday Q&A!



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