#377 – BLOC Party Q&A
Enjoy the panel Q&A that ended the 2021 BLOC Party. Listen to Dr. Puder, Matt Reynolds, Gillian Ward, Niki Sims, Andrew Jackson, & CJ Gotcher answer questions from the BLOC Party attendees.
Topics include nutrition post-vacation, finding clients in a new location, training to looked more jacked, and countering the effects of sitting.
Email podcast@barbell-logic.com to get your answered answered BOTH via email and on a future Q&A episode.
0:00 Introduction
2:20 Finding Clients in New Location
Deliberately seek out communities and meet people. Go to the same places and talk to people and get to know them well. Build relationships. Talk to your barber or stylist and have them help spread the word. Don’t spread yourself thin, but rather seek out the places where the type of clients you want to coach will be. Social media can also help. Make it super easy for people to find you and sign up for your coaching on social media and search engines. Lastly, the people who are asking you questions about lifting & coaching are potential clients.
5:47 Identifying & Helping Clients with Suicidality or Depression
Some people may be chronically suicidal. If you find out that that person has a plan, you may want to escort that person or ensure he or she gets help. Lifting and training will help them feel better, but it might need to be easier and meet them where they are.
For depression, you might see change of appetite, loss of interest in things, express guilt or shame about just about everything they do.
9:19 Missing a Week on 3-Week Program
For something like this, can usually do the previous week over. When you come back, you should probably lift heavier weights than you think but less volume than you think.
10:33 Psychological Hurdles to Training & Healthy Habits
People can develop just about anything to avoid discomfort. You might just need to get people walking. Dr. Puder specifically is very repetitive and will discuss movement, exercise, and moving toward training. It’s about little wins.
It helps to have them identify as a lifter and see themselves as a lifter.
Also, what is the meaning people ascribe to what they are doing?
Also, as a lifter, Dr. Puder has noticed that Matt is great at giving Dr. Puder positivity when he needs it. He has a bad workout or a miss and Matt is positive, and that has been refreshing and encouraging.
17:18 Getting Back on Track after Vacation
Don’t go deprive yourself and starve yourself. Get on track with the normal plan as opposed to swinging the pendulum hard in the other direction. Guilt serves no purpose. Enjoy the vacation, and then return to the plan. Don’t try to make up for the caloric surplus immediately.
20:02 Introducing Supplemental Exercises
Start lighter, want them to learn the exercise. The stress is the novelty of the exercise.
24:48 Looking More Jacked?
Talk to your coach, if you have a coach, but the huge contributor here is nutrition.
25:45 Mentorship Program?
Your starting point is your coach if you have a coach. Your coach is your initial mentor. Obviously, if you’ve signed up for the Academy you can also reach out to CJ and the instructors.
Also, they discuss the PBC process and how nice it is to submit a platform evaluation video. Why? Because the evaluating coach can show exactly what they saw and also the coach getting evaluating is coaching in his or her environment, as opposed to having to yell over other coaches.
33:46 Countering the Effects of Sitting
Moving during the day can certainly help. It’s a big change if you’ve been active.
Also, are there reasons your posture stinks (for example, you’re breaking down videos and have to be hunched over to talk into a microphone).
38:53 Why the Change to Discord?
It’s newer, better, and it stores old conversations.
42:09 Templates in the BLOC App
It’s surprisingly difficult to get this working, so it’s a high priority and should happen soon…but, on promised timeframe.
50:41 Helpful Informational Source for You
Lots of different and interesting answers…probably not what you’d expect.
55:30 Smart MED Programming on the App?
Easy MED changes at the end of novice LP. It’s not some complex programming system, but a way to plan the machine-learning programming needs as LP stops working.