After decades of leggings dominating the women’s fitness scene, leggings are finally gaining momentum in mainstream men’s fitness attire....
Archive for category: Articles
The Ultimate Guide to Leggings (Part 2): Women’s Leggings
nick, , Articles, apparel, BHaubenstricker, equipment, 0Now that you’re a pro at reading fabric labels, let’s dive into how fabric is cut and sewn together...
The Ultimate Guide to Leggings (Part 1): Start Here
nick, , Articles, apparel, BHaubenstricker, equipment, 0My aim with this series is to arm you with the legging knowledge you never knew you needed, to...
The more you train, the more efficient the systems become, making you better able to sustain longer efforts and...
Conditioning goals exist on a spectrum from health- to sports-related outcomes, giving us a way to organize conditioning training...
The Business of Coaching: Thriving During Hard Economic Times
nick, , Articles, Business, MReynolds, productivity, 0During times of recession or economic downturn, people in non-traditional jobs get very nervous about doubling down on a...
When muscles heal, they knit together with new connective tissue. This connective tissue is the dreaded scar tissue and...
The idea that pain should immediately drive us to a particular rehab protocol ignores what may be going on...
People who climb, shoot, run, bike, and lift weights for fun would all agree that, while these things aren’t...