Barbell Logic has made me a better doctor. I’ve been following BLOC for over a year, and coached by Matt Reynolds since November 2019. I am 57, and the strongest I have been in my life. My personal progress in strength and nutritional knowledge has motivated me even more to share the things I have learned through Barbell Logic with my patients. I am saddened daily as I care for people whose lives are significantly limited due to the preventable early atrophy of aging. They are also compromised by common maladies like diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks, weak bones and dementia. I am convinced that the barbell training and nutrition knowledge promoted through Barbell Logic is the best medicine I can give to people to help mitigate and likely prevent these life-robbing realities. I share it regularly with all who will listen! I am grateful to everyone at Barbell Logic for making me a better doctor.


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