Georgia is a coach at Greysteel Strength and Conditioning in Farmington, MI, specializing in training people over 50. She is especially interested in helping post-menopausal women discover how empowering strength training can be. Georgia has a doctorate in nurse anesthesia, currently works as a nurse anesthetist and teaches graduate physiology. She views coaching as an extension of her 25 year career as a health care provider and educator.

Learn More About Georgia

  • Thinks people get more interesting and complex and fabulous as they age and loves working with athletes of aging.

  • Loves to travel, hike, do construction projects, and hang out with her many grandkids.

  • Never stuck with a fitness or exercise program until she starting lifting at the age of 50 and fell in love with strength training.

After decades on being super inconsistent with any form of exercise, Georgia started lifting at the age of 50 and fell in love with strength training. She decided to become a coach so she could help others enjoy all the benefits that strength training has brought to her own life.

She is a coach a Greysteel Strength and Conditioning in Farmington, MI specializing in training people over 50. She enjoys working with older clients with mobility and health challenges and helping them find ways to train around these issues. She is especially interested in helping post-menopausal women discover how empowering strength training can be.

Georgia has a doctorate in nurse anesthesia. She currently works as a nurse anesthetist and a professor of physiology. She views coaching as an extension of her 25-year career as a health care provider and educator.

When she is not busy giving anesthesia, teaching graduate students or coaching, she loves to travel, hike, take on construction projects that she has no business doing and hang out with her many grandkids.



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