Michael Wolf is a sought after strength coach with 20 years of experience in the field. From 2012-2019, he was a member of the Starting Strength seminar staff, delivering both advanced lectures and platform coaching. During that same time period, he founded and led the incredibly popular strength program at Crossfit Solace in Manhattan, where lifters would routinely add 150-250 lbs to their 4-lift total their first time through the program. From 2007-2013, he was an adjunct instructor in the Phys-Ed program and the Strength & Conditioning Coach at Yeshiva University. Wolf has also been a personal training manager at Equinox in NYC on Wall St. where he managed a staff of 35 trainers and a multi-million dollar annual revenue business. Wolf has competed in both raw powerlifting and strengthlifting, achieving PRs of 634 squat, 475 bench press, 705 deadlift, and 315 press.

In-person coaching:

Ignite Fitnez
1005 E St.Elmo Rd. #10
Austin, TX 78745

$235/month, contract-free


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