Life won’t wait for you to get strong and fit; we have to deal with it as we go. There’s no professional athlete in the world who didn’t have to take a few steps back and we’re no different. Balancing your job, illness, injury or physical impairment, family commitments or just being older than you were yesterday all play their part and Mac is here to help steer your path; especially when things DON’T balance out and you need someone in your corner.

Learn More About Mac

  • Whether you’re a masters athlete or you’re living with a debilitating condition, a more considerate approach is needed to balance your needs and ambitions. Mac will always do his best to use his knowledge and experience to help you innovate and find that balance

  • He knows first-hand how valuable a coach and mentor is when motivation is low and the world is against you. He’s here to help you navigate your path through whatever comes your way

  • With Barbell Logic, you’re not just joining a coaching service; you’re joining our family and we look after our people.

  • Helping others to unlock the payoff of getting stronger and fitter never gets old!

Mac McGregor is the owner and head coach of Capricorn Fitness and Scotland’s only (and the UK’s first!) Barbell Logic Professional Barbell Coach. He served for 16 years in the Royal Air Force Regiment in a former life and after developing Ulcerative Colitis, raising two daughters and caring for his wife Melissa after a stroke, it was time for a change.

He made the jump to being a self-employed personal trainer and sports massage therapist in 2015 and opened his own strength and conditioning gym soon after. Joining the Barbell Logic family as a lifter and academy student was a life-changing experience and making it onto the team as a Staff Coach is something he’ll always be proud of.

In his youth, he focussed endurance-based training and mountaineering, blindly sacrificing strength and power for the ability to just put one foot in front of the other again and again. Now that the grey hair is starting come in thick and fast, he dreams of going back in time and picking up a barbell. Being stronger matters and he knows that you won’t regret adding load to the bar.

His own goals are simple; to be a good father, husband, friend and coach….and to be in top fighting condition when the suitors come calling for his girls!



$315/month, contract-free


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