FIGHT STRONG is a 2-day course on Sept 3-4, at Tactical Response in Camden Tenn, that teaches the foundation of strength, fitness, nutrition, and health for the martial lifestyle.


We will cover the mindset needed to be strong, the necessity of strength for the warrior, how to properly perform the squat, deadlift, bench press, and overhead press, as well as how to incorporate bodyweight and conditioning exercises for optimal fitness. We’ll also include in-depth discussions on programming, nutrition, and recovering from injuries. The course will be both mentally stimulating as well as physically, as you’ll get a ton of one-on-one coaching from me under-the-bar and even have some high-energy group-style conditioning workouts with your training gear.


The course is aimed at beginners, but the content will be valuable for the advanced trainee as well. The class is infinitely scalable, so if you have physical limitations (bad back, bad knees, etc.), please don’t let that deter you from attending.


Remember strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general.


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